Our Story

Tri Star Gymnastic Club was formed in 1988 and has its origins in three Central Auckland gymnastic clubs that were established in the 1950's: St Mary’s, Mt Roskill and Onehunga Gymnastic Clubs.
Part of the original complex was the American Services gym built during the Second World War and initially located in Cornwall Park.In 1965, the gym building was moved to our site, having been donated by the Mayor, Mr Keith Hay.The facility was known as the Mt Roskill Gym and Youth Centre, and was used for gymnastics, weight lifting, judo, Maori cultural groups and community house classes.
In late 1985, a proposal was put to Auckland City to construct a new building, adjacent to the existing gym. The facility was completed in 1987, and the three independent clubs merged to become Tri Star Gymnastic Club Inc..
The demand for mat based sports and recreational space in both buildings exceeded their capacity by 2002, and fundraising began to build a new Gymsports Centre, by demolishing the old American Services gym and building a new and larger facility in its place.
The Auckland Regional Gymsports Centre Stage 1 was completed in 2007, and Stage 2 which included the development of the updatirs offices, mezzanine viewing area, conference room and kitchen facilities was completed in 2015. The original building completed in 1987 remained and the Grant Price Gymnastium was built.
Tri Star is home to recreational and competitive gymnastics programs from pre-schoolers right through to adults. We have pathways in many gymnastics codes and have developed many Commonwealth, World Championships and Olympic representative athletes, coaches and technical officials. Come and be a part of the next chapter in our story!